Simufact Welding是Simufact焊接模块是一个基于有限元法的前后处理界面,可以很简单的创建多机械手仿真模型。每个机械手均可以根据用户需求自行定义多条焊接路径。焊接方向和路径很容易通过程序进行修改。用户可以根据实际工艺定义几何边界条件,如:完全固定、有预紧力的夹紧工具、支架等。
Simufact Engineering has further developed their welding simulation software Simufact.welding and is releasing the update of version 2024, it’s professional welding simulation. Industrial welding processes require a high degree of process security.
Simufact Engineering 进一步开发了他们的焊接仿真软件 Simufact.welding,并发布了版本 2024的更新,这是专业的焊接仿真。工业焊接工艺需要高度的工艺安全性。
Industrial welding processes require a high degree of process security. The correct design of a welding procedure sheet is essential for the quality of a process, which is needed for the programming of welding robots among others. The correct application of clamping devices, the employed welding process and the energy input are added. Distortions of the final geometry must be fully controlled so that components can be serially produced with precise tolerances. Knowledge about the kind of the heat influence zone enables specialists to conclude the properties of welding seams.
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